Monday, September 30, 2019

Auditory and Visual Essay

If a variety of people are put through numerous trials of visual memory tests and auditory tests, then the people with better auditory memory will outnumber the people with better visual memory. Introduction Visual and auditory memory play vital roles in learning and development. They are both skills required to have throughout life. By definition, auditory memory is the ability to process information presented orally, analyze it, and store it to be recalled later. Visual memory by definition is the ability to process information presented visually, analyze it mentally, and remember it for a later time. Both of these skills are step-by-step developmental processes. They continue to grow when a person is growing themselves. Auditory memory is the ability to process information that is presented orally, analyze it mentally and store it to be remembered later. To be an auditory learner is to have a strong capacity for auditory memory. Auditory memory is also the ability to learn from instructions that were presented orally; it is an important skill that will help in life. Auditory memory has to be one of the most important skills in learning. Some children who show a delayed grasp of language have weak auditory learning skills, they also have difficulty understanding words. Parents can test their child’s auditory memory by saying a sequence of numbers and asking the child to repeat the numbers back to them. Through exercises auditory memory skills can be developed. Children as well as adults can sharpen their auditory memory skills. Visual memory is the ability to psychologically recall visual images in the form of objects, events, or words. Students with disabilities have a serious deficiency with visual memory. Storing and retrieving previously experienced visual sensations and perceptions when stimuli that were evoked originally are no longer present are involved in visual memory. Many researchers have stated that 80% of learning takes place through the eye with visual memory. Visual memory is crucial in the aspect of learning. If a person cannot adequately reproduce a sequence of stimuli, then they may not have developed their visual memory skills. People who have difficulty with visual memory have trouble overall remembering the visual appearance of words, a letter sequence of words, and spelling. When people have trouble with visual memory can often remember the letters in a word but not the sequence. Some people with serious writing and spelling difficulties have trouble with their visual memory skills. The differences are that auditory memory works with the ears auditorally and visual memory works with the eyes visually. To be an auditory learner is to have a strong capacity for auditory memory. Visual memory is the ability to psychologically recall visual images in the form of objects, events, or words. Auditory memory has to be one of the most important skills in learning. Visual memory is crucial in the aspect of learning. When people have trouble with visual memory can often remember the letters in a word but not the sequence. Auditory memory is also the ability to learn from instructions that were presented orally. Parents can test their child’s auditory memory. Caffeine can affect memorization by increasing it. The ability to remember is a basic but important function that is critical to survival today. Memory is especially important for students who live their lives learning. Age can also affect memorization ability. Studies have shown that staying active can help stabilize memory change when it comes to aging. There are a few ways to positively affect memory change; they include physical activity, mental activity and a healthy diet. The primary factor affecting a person’s memorization change is a medical condition. There are a few medical factors that can negatively affect memory change; medical disorders, diseases, emotional problems, medication, medical changes, and a poor diet. Crossword puzzles can help positively affect memorization. Hormonal changes can affect memorization. Adults are twice as likely to lose mental capacity. Many body parts are involved in auditory and visual memory. The posterior parietal cortex is a portion of the parietal lobe in the brain. Activity in the posterior parietal cortex is extremely correlated with the information that can be stored in visual memory. This suggests that the posterior parietal cortex is vital in our visual representation of the world. It acts as a limited storage area for everything we see. Another important body part involved in visual memory are the occipital lobes. They are located at the back of the brain. They receive and process information. The lobes tend to process colors and shapes. They are responsible for identifying colors while visually memorizing objects. Body parts involved in auditory memory are slightly different. Auditory sensory memory tends to be stored in the primary auditory cortex closer to the ear of presentation. However, auditory memory involves many different brain parts. The majority of brain regions involved in auditory memory are located in the prefrontal cortex. This is where the executive control is located, and is responsible for attention control. Brain areas are actually a major factor in understanding why some ways of memorizing things work better than other ways. Visual memory tends to be the most readily available to us. When your brain receives information, it begins to decide what it and isn’t important. It also begins to store it as long-term. Neural connections become more powerful as the information is received and is connected to emotions. Neurons are nerve cells, and a pattern of connections between them forms a memory. Seeing something familiar tends to have a greater impact on the mind than hearing something familiar. The brain can form new neural pathways and alter existing connections. It is very easy to improve visual and auditory memory. If one organizes and structures the information they are trying to memorize, it will help immensely. It is important to visualize concepts to improve memory. Charts, graphs, and photos are all great things to look upon when memorizing. Numerous research studies have been done on visual and auditory memory. Much effort has been dedicated to investigating the capacity limits of memory in the brain. Steven J. Luck and Edward K. Vogel are two men from the University of Iowa who are known for their research on this topic. They sorted memory into two categories- long term and short term. These findings are foundation for all different types of memory. Experimental Procedure 1. In this experiment, number sequences will be needed for the test subjects to remember. Each number sequence should be composed of the numbers 0–9 and be seven digits long. This random number generator can be used to figure out the number sequences. http://www. random. org/nform. html 2. The experimenter should fill out the form on the generator so it has 7 integers, 1 as the smallest value, 9 as the largest value, and a format in 7 columns. Then the experimenter should hit â€Å"Get Numbers† and a new page will appear with 7 listed numbers at the top. To get new numbers, it is not necessary to fill out the form again, so simply click the refresh button on the browser window and a new set of random numbers appears: 3. The experimenter should write one number sequence on each index card, until the deck of cards consists of about 50 different random sequences. This deck will be used for the experiment. 4. The experimenter should find 25 random research participants, and ask each test subject to take two memory tests. Then give them the two following tests: A: To test one’s visual memory, show the subject a card for 30 seconds and time with a timer. Take back the card and have the subject recite the alphabet. Then ask the subject to say what the numbers were. Write down how many numbers the subject got right. This will be the subject’s score. Record the score. B: To test one’s auditory memory, read the sequence of numbers on a different card three times slowly. After the numbers have been read, have the test subject recite the alphabet. Then ask the subject to say what the numbers were. Write down how many numbers the subject got right. This will be the subject’s score. Record the score. 5. Calculate the percentage of people who received each score. Do this by first adding the total number of participants for each test, then divide the number of people receiving the score by the total number of participants in the study. Multiply the answer by 100 to get the percentage. 6. Analyze the data by making a histogram. On the left side of the graph (Y-axis), write a scale for the percentage of people from 0 to 100%. On the bottom of the graph, write a scale for the number of correct responses from 0 to 7.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Is War Ethical Essay

The question, is war ethical, should always be the first question asked and the first question answered before engaging in such a world altering, life changing endeavor. One must be sure that purpose of war is to bring peace. â€Å"That its essential aim is always peace, so if peace is forthcoming in any guise, it is morally critical for all parties to seek a return to a permanent peace rather than a momentary lapse of war† (Moseley). Unfortunately, this is not the mindset of Falcon, one of the charters in The Sirens of Baghdad. He is militant; consumed with Thanatos and with an â€Å"appetite for destruction† (Hedges 251) towards the American troops; Falcon in the event below is determined to deceive and poison the minds of his brethren against the Americans troops. The event with Falcon takes place at the barbershop in Karfr Karam. Falcon and the elders of the town are gathered there, discussing the capture of Saddam by the American force in Iraqi. After some of the elders expressed their gratitude for the Americans capturing Saddam. Falcon takes this opportunity to place his seeds of doubt. He tries to unethically persuade his brethren. He expresses to them that the Americans had no right to go after Saddam and insists that it was the people of Iraqis responsibility. He believed it was because of every Iraqi’s cowardice that Saddam tyrannized them. He references this when he said, â€Å"People have the kings they deserve† (Khadra 32). He then expressed that Saddam may have been a monster but added that he was their monster. Falcon went on to explain that Saddam was one of them and shared their blood. He added that Saddam may have been a tyrant but he was Iraqi and therefore the Americans had no business touching or going after him. Falcon expressed that he would rather have Saddam still in power rather than the infidel American troops in Iraq. Falcon believed it was the Americans’ force, not Saddam that put Iraq in dire straits. Falcon says, â€Å"Look at what they’ve made of our country: hell on earth† (Khadra 33). Falcon’s behavior is fueled by Thanatos just as the behavior of the Islamic clerics was when they were determined to convert their countrymen into devout Muslims. â€Å"They spurned the decadence of the West including what the clerics condemned as the West’s loose sexual mores, drug use and thirst for sensual gratification†(Hedges 260). In that very moment Falcon was purposely lying to demoralize the American troops. He was trying to persuade his audience that the Americans did not come to free Iraq and bring peace. Falcon felt Saddam was an excuse to take Iraq’s resources and pillage their towns and cities. He tried to fill his audience’s minds with doubt and mistrust. He was unethically deceiving his community the same way real life insurgents behave in the Iraqi war. Tariq say’s, â€Å"More and more Iraqis were fooled by the insurgents’ propaganda, and the attacks aimed at Americans and their supporters increased. My country †¦ has suffered greatly from the insurgency, and we have lost many people who believed in the U. S. message† (Abandoned in Iraq). Falcon, just like the real insurgents in Iraq dedicated to their unethical war, chose an unethical path. He spread deceitful lies and led his brethren into the jaws of Tahantos instead of guiding them towards a life of peace and happiness. The next event in The Sirens of Baghdad is fueled by the insurgents’ use of deceitful tactics. In pursuit of their unethical war, they purposely caused innocent lives to be lost in order to create media propaganda to recruit the naive young men of Iraq. They dressed in civilian clothing and hid among the people. They used the innocent women and children for cover and human shields. â€Å"A populace†¦. held hostage by a group of ragged, starving ‘rebels,’ armed with filthy rifles and rocket launchers† (Khadra 76). Their actions and behaviors are very similar to those of the real insurgency and their unethical war in Iraq. An example of this is when they gave young school children realistic toy guns to play with at the very same check points their relatives work at with US troops. This was obviously done to cause innocent bloodshed which, in turn, will create some type of media propaganda for their cause. Specialist Raven Jenks says, â€Å"It’s to train the kids to use real weapons, and also to provoke us into killing civilians† (Iraq’s young Blood). The insurgency uses this unethical tactic to create media propaganda of war. This is for the sole purpose of causing despair and rage within the people of Iraq to brainwash them and turn them against the forces that are sent to help. In the event described below, Yassen is one of the first young men in the Sirens of Baghdad to be won over by this unethical war tactic. The event takes place in the cafe in Kafr Karma. Seeds of doubt and deception have already reached the minds of Kafr Karma’s youth about American troops. Before departing for Bagdad, Sayed, Falcon’s son, purposely left a parting gift of a television for Kafr Karam’s youth at the cafe. He did this in hopes the youth would not forget his message and â€Å"that the young men of Kafra Karam would not lose sight of their country’s tragic reality† (Khadra 74). Along with the seeds of doubt and deception already planted within the young men’s minds, this gift â€Å"proved to be a poisoned chalice† (Khadra 83). It served its purpose well. The youth were griped with the images of war and enraged by the lost of innocent blood shed of their people. They began to sway to the side of the insurgency unethical war; â€Å"applauding successful ambushes and deploring skirmishes that went wrong† (Khadra 84). The young men of Kafr Karam were growing closer to Thanatos everyday and the temptation to â€Å"honor false covenants †¦. and gender† (Hedges 250),such as Saddam, was taking affect. Fully aware of the unethical wrongs Saddam committed, the youth still began to further familiarize themselves with him. Their initial delight for his capture turned to frustration. One of the youth, Yaseen, felt the publicity portraying the capture of Saddam portrayed him as a rat; dirty, confused, unshaven, and exposed to the cameras of the world. Yassen took offense to this and announced â€Å"by humiliating him like that, they were holding up every Arab in the world to public opprobrium† (Khadra 84). Yassen was clearly won over by the insurgency’s propaganda and unethical chose to aid in spreading its lies and deceit. The insurgency’s seed of doubt and deception enforced by their media propaganda enforced their campaign for the loyalty (Hedges 250) and paid off. The insurgency gained a new recruit from Kafr Karam to join their unethical war. The final event described below from The Sirens of Baghdad is a fictional example of the ultimate insanity of the insurgency’s unethical war. The Iraqi insurgency preys on the young men and boys who have been submerse in violence; â€Å"the closest analogy may be to the Taliban in Afghanistan. They offer these orphans of war a different kind of family structure cemented by the bonds of Islam†(Iraq’s Young Blood). These young Iraqis want to belong but more importantly crave purpose. Their minds are impressionable, easy to manipulate and brainwash. Making them the perfect candidates to turn into suicidal human weapons. The event described below from The Sirens of Baghdad bear witness to this product of unethical war. The main character (the narrator) turns himself into human weapon. The final event takes place in Beirut, Lebanon. The narrator has been groomed by his cousin Sayed (a member of the insurgency) since his arrival in Baghdad form Kafr Karam. The narrator, who has longed to become a suicide bomber, now receives his chance. Fully aware of his cousin’s fate, Sayed still makes the unethical decision to offer the narrator the mission. Sayed says, â€Å"you wanted some action†¦. Well, the miracle has taken place†¦. mission is now possible† (Khadra 236). The narrator accepts the unethical mission. Delighted, but aware of the possibility the narrator may change his mind before the mission, Sayed makes the unethical discussion to manipulate his young cousin once again. He says, â€Å"Kafr Karam, the forgotten, will take its place in history† (Khadra 237). Those words send the narrator into a state of purpose and honor. This is evident when he says, â€Å"He had lifted me up into the ranks of those who are revered† (Khadra 237). The narrator has made the unethical choice to become a human weapon.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Tda 3.4 1.1

Summarise the policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting children and young people’s positive behaviour In my setting there are several policy documents that advise both parents and teachers what procedures are in place to help the children to perform to the best of their abilities and also set out guidelines of what the school expects off the staff, pupils and parents. Our schools behaviour policy also incorporates both the code of conduct, dealing with inappropriate behaviour and the rewards and sanctions guidelines, separate to this are the anti bullying policy and the whole school attendance policy . The behaviour policy firstly sets out the aims of the school, explaining how the school promotes good relationships so that people can work together with a common purpose of helping everyone to learn and work together in an effective and considerate way, this is aimed not only at the pupils but to parents and staff alike. It continues to explain that this policy is in place to enable children to grow in a safe and secure environment, and to become positive, responsible and increasingly independent members of the school community. It then goes on to explain the code of conduct expected off children, staff and parents. This includes rules such as parents and staff not smoking in the school grounds, conduct of parents when collecting their children from school i. e. not swearing and being too loud while lessons are still ongoing, to giving guidelines on what is expected from the children while at school. In these guidelines it explains how the school has it’s set of rules but also that each class teacher, at the beginning of the school year, discusses with the children what is expected, behaviour wise, in their class. The children are also invited to give ideas for these class rules, these rules are then printed out and displayed in the classroom. This document then goes on to explain the rewards and sanctions policy, this explains how the children are rewarded for good behaviour in a variety of ways, such as, the giving of house points and presenting their work in school assemblies, it also states as the child gains more house points they work towards certificates Gold, Silver and Bronze, all the achievements the child earns are stored in their Record of Achievement file, which is presented to them as they leave school in year 6. In the explanations of the sanctions the policy, this is under the dealing with conflict and inappropriate behaviour section, gives examples of behaviour that is unacceptable, this can be things such as shouting out in class, being in areas they shouldn’t be and goes, on to the extreme cases such as bullying and assault. It then goes onto the giving of detentions or missing playtimes because of this behaviour and in the more serious cases it explains the fixed-term and permanent exclusions policy. Finally the document goes to explain the roles of all staff members within the school this includes support staff, teachers, head teacher and finally the school governors. These roles are explained in a brief way and if there are any questions to any part of the document not to hesitate to ask for more guidance. The schools anti-bullying policy firstly explains the schools definition of bullying, which is, â€Å"bullying is action taken by one or more children with the intention of hurting a child, either physically or emotionally†. It then goes on to give the schools aims and objectives in this matter, this covers developing the schools ethos in which bullying is regarded as unacceptable, aiming to produce a safe and secure environment where all can learn without anxiety, aiming to produce a consistent response to any bullying that may occur and to make all connected with the school aware of the schools opposition to bullying and to make clear each person’s responsibilities with regard to the eradication of bullying. It then goes on to explain the roles of staff and parent in both dealing with and eradicating bullying, this includes:- 1) The Governors, their role is to support the headteacher in eliminating bullying in the school, they monitor any incidents that occur and review the effectiveness of the school policy regularly. 2) The Headteacher, it is the responsibility of the head to implement the policy and to ensure all members of staff (both teaching and non-teaching) are aware of the policy and how to deal with any incidents that may arise. The head also reports to the governors about the effectiveness of the policy and if it needs amending. ) The Teaching Staff, teaching staff should intervene at the first sign of any bullying, they must keep records of all incidents that happen involving children in their class, if they see another child from another class being bullied or bullying they should immediately inform that childs class teacher so they can intervene and monitor the situation. T eachers routinely liase with each other through staff meetings and discuss existing or new anti-bullying strategies. 4) Non-Teaching Staff, they are instructed to report any signs of bullying straight away to a member of the teaching staff, who can then direct the ssue to the correct teacher. They should intervene straight away and get the names of all children involved so it can be followed up correctly and efficiently. 5) The Parents, any parent that is concerned that their child might be being bullied, or who suspect their child may be the perpetrator of bullying, should contact their childs class teacher immediately. Parents have a responsibility to support the schools anti-bullying policy and to actively encourage their chaild to be a positive member of the school. The policy then goes on to state that it is monitored by the headteacher , who reports to the governors about its effectiveness. The schools whole school attendance policy starts with an introduction as to why it is important the child attends school and has as fewer absences as possible, including the missing of work and how this can affect their education and intellectual development. It then goes on to explain types of absences both authorised and unauthorised, authorised absences include sickness, medical appointments and any emergencies. Unauthorised absences are those that the school does not consider reasonable, these include, truancy, children being generally late, birthdays, holidays in term time not agreed with the school and holidays that exceed those agreed by the school. It is explained that persistent absenteeism at my setting is classed as missing 20% of the school year, it goes on to say that this severely hampers a childs intellectual development, persistent absentee pupils (PA’s) are tracked and monitored closely and all of these cases are automatically made known to the Local Authority Attendance Team. The policy then states the absence procedure of contacting the school as soon as possible , if not contacted the school will telephone the parent/carer on the first day of absence, if absence persists invite in the parent/carer to discuss the situation and refer to the Early Intervention Officer linked with the school if attendance moves below 85% as per Local Authority protocol. It then explains the role of the Attendance Officer, which is to try and resolve any issues with the school and make a signed agreement with the parent/carer about future attendance, if the matter still persists they can sanction penalty notices or even prosecutions in the Magistrates court, these are of course the last resort if all other avenues have failed. It then goes on to holidays in term time where it says how taking these holidays can affect the childs schooling and that any monetary saving of these holidays can be at the cost of the childs intellectual development. Religious absences such as Eid are authorised but no more 3 days in a school year. Finally the policy states the roles of individuals and their responsibilities of them in keeping to this policy, they are:- Parent/ carer should ensure regular attendance, contact school, try to avoid in term holidays Pupils attend school/registration punctually, speak to an adult if any issues arise that may effect school attendance Headteacher should take lead in ensuring attendance has a high profile in the school, ensur all staff know their responsibilities, take overall responsibility for ensuring the school conforms to all statutory requirements in respect of attendance All school staff should provide a welcoming atmosphere to encourage childrens attendance and provide a safe learning environment, provide a sympathetic response to pupils concerns, be aware of the factors that may contribute to non-attendance, participate in training regarding school procedures. Finally the policy document shows an example of the application for absence from school form to be filled out for any holidays or extended leave, a copy of this is included in this assignment.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Duration estimation a new approach in Critical chain scheduling Essay

Duration estimation a new approach in Critical chain scheduling - Essay Example estimation of activities through estimating the level of uncertainty buried in each activity duration and after that taking out of safety periods related to this uncertainty. The validity or soundness of this proposed method, according to the authors, is measured by carrying out a computer simulation on a number of the test problems. Simulation analysis proves that the suggested technique yields schedules that are more dependable than the schedules established by first CCPM technique of duration estimation. Some of the crucial key terms discussed in this article include critical chain, theory of constraint, duration estimation and project scheduling. Critical chain, according to Rezaie, Manouchehrabadi & Shirkouhi (481) is the longest series of events through the project network following the resource contentions. Critical chain, in other words, is a group of tasks through which the project general duration is decided. The authors also discuss how time/duration estimation is a crucia l matter of the critical chain. The authors discuss how Goldratt dedicated a substantial part of this research trying to explain the cause why safety periods cannot safeguard the projects intended dates against the doubt embedded in projects. Rezaie, Manouchehrabadi & Shirkouhi (482) give numerical facts, which were not broadly discussed in Goldratt’s original work. They argue that Goldratt did not exactly specify any numerical distribution function, but assumed a right distorted distribution for every activity duration whereby there was a significant distance between 50% quantile and 90% quantile. They further talked about the propensity among individuals involved in time estimation to overrate the required time so that adequate safety period is put into the measures. The third section of the article, Investigating of Time Estimation Methods, analyzes the method proposed by the authors. The authors go deep into the explanation giving both quantitative and qualitative facts.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

World philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

World philosophy - Essay Example My beliefs were supported with my experiences with the cognitive world, and with the aid of a rich imagination, I was able to attach the like elements to those that I do not personally experience. Just as it is with the Indians who believe in the truth that the sun lives in the earth, their culture caters to the idea that all things in the Indian world are connected to each other, in â€Å"profound unity,† may it be inanimate or animate, life is believed to exist in the essence of these things (Momaday, 190). With the sun, the Indians have attached to it a nature that can almost be human by virtue for its behavior in the heavens with which they can somehow relate to. As Momaday writes, â€Å"the sun-watcher among the Rio Grande Pueblos, whose sacred task it is to observe, each day, the very point of the sun’s emergence on the skyline, knows in the depths of his being that the sun is alive and that it is indivisible with the earth, and he refers to the farthest eastern mesa as â€Å"the sun’s house† (190), the sun-watcher courts the sun which is like a maiden being wooed, and the sun being that character is expected to go homeward. They see this oc currence as a fact because the sun undergoes changes just as a person would, and appears to move across the heavens as would a traveler, and these the Indians bear witness. They take into account what they perceive as simply as what their sight would lead them to understand. For what could be more factual than to actually experience first hand through their own senses the mechanism of that was around them. Alongside the Indians’ reverence to a â€Å"living† sun is their different perception of a timeframe. And this diverse concept of time, which is quite departed from our Western Industrialized concept of time, retains an element of preservation of moments. And perhaps this is much better, speaking about respecting

Industrialization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Industrialization - Essay Example Development is a vast phenomenon that involved more than increasing per capita output. Real development can only be harbingered by eliminating poverty, unemployment and inequality. The theory calls for reviewing structural issues like dualism, population growth, inequality, urbanization, agricultural transformation, education, health, unemployment and many other unanswered issues that must be reviewed on their own merits, and not merely as appendages to an underlying growth thesis. Industrialization on the other hand is a process of social and economic change where human societies are transformed from a pre-industrial (an economy where the amount of capital accumulated is low) to an industrial state. (Industrialization). This social and economic change is closely related to the technological innovation, particularly the development of large-scale energy production. Industrialization may also be related to some kind of philosophical change, or may be to a different attitude in the perception of nature, though if these philosophical changes are caused by industrialization or vice-versa is a subject often debated. Industrialisation has generated its own health problems, like noise, air, water pollution, malnutrition, dangerous machines, impersonal work, isolation, poverty, homelessness, and even substance abuse. Health problems in industrial nations are caused by economic, social, political, and cultural factors also. Industrialisation has become a major medical issue around the world, and hopefully will become less of a problem over the period to come. Psychology of Soviet Economists: Soviet economists were primarily of the opinion that those factors of production that are relatively plentiful have a low marginal productivity and hence a low price as compared with factors that are relatively scarce. Consequently those lines of production or those technical forms of production, which use relatively more of the plentiful factors and economize on the scarce ones, would have the lowest costs. This lead to a drop in labor rates, as a country like Russia had more labor. The strength of the above mentioned factor theory is undoubtedly its strong appeal to common sense, it is apparent common sense to adapt your development plans and methods so as to make the most use of those economic factors that are most plentiful, like labour in this particular case, but there can be a humanitarian argument added to it that to do this will create the maximum employment in conditions where there is a large reserve of unemployed. The immediate objection to it that strikes the mind is th at the factor proportion theory, in common with any comparative cost doctrine derived from it, is a static theory, which refers to a particular factor endowment at a given date. It will be inappropriate to derive there from a criterion of development, since we are dealing with dynamic situations, where the factor endowment is subject to change the essence of development for example, is a growing accumulation of capital and hence a change in the capital-labour ratio. ( Dobb Maurice, Was Soviet Method of Industrialization Really Contrary to Economic Principles) The choice between the factors of production depends on the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Fundamental concepts of managerial economics Assignment - 1

Fundamental concepts of managerial economics - Assignment Example Changes in the price (P) of the good or service will result only in movement along the demand curve, whereas changes in any of the other demand determinants in the demand function (PS, PC, Y, A, AC, N, CP, PE, and so on) shift the demand curve. When two goods are substitutes, such as Chevy-volt and Toyota Prius, an increase in the price of Chevy-volt, results in an increase in the quantity demanded of Toyota Prius, holding other factors constant, such as the price of Toyota Prius, other prices, income, and so on, or vice versa. The price of a gallon of regular octane gasoline skyrocketed from $3.00 per gallon to $4.10. The previous summer, when gas prices had hovered around $3 per gallon, Americans had cut back only slightly on non-essential driving. In the summer of 2008, with regular gasoline at $4.10 per gallon, not only summer driving vacations but urban commuting itself changed in extraordinary ways. Overall, customer demand by the typical two-person urban household shrank from 16 gallons per week to 11.5 gallons. Faced with $4.10 per gallon gasoline, as ExxonMobil and Shell sought to recover their extraordinary input costs for crude, American consumers decided to vacate their SUVs, join carpools, and ride the buses and trains to work. Urban mass transit system ridership shot up 20 percent in a matter of months. Other Americans purchased fuel efficient hybrids like the Toyota Prius. Several determinants of demand and supply were identified as possible explanations for the spike in gasoline’s equilibrium market price. This therefore lead to the decreases in the demand for SUVs to a point that the Enterprise Rental Car Co. charged various models of rental cars such as SUVs at $37 on one-day return while the subcompacts were charged at $41 on one-day return. This therefore led to the decline in the equilibrium price of SUVs. Cash flows of Investment A have a larger coefficient of variation (0.80) than do cash flows of Investment B (0.50); therefore,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Using either Peter Pan or Elidor, examine the relationship between the Essay

Using either Peter Pan or Elidor, examine the relationship between the real world and the fantasy world - Essay Example f a kind†, and although readers find themselves somewhat confused in drawing a straight line between reality and fantasy, â€Å"there are kinds of writing in which absolute clarity is not a virtue, when for instance, the author has to evoke a mood, to suggest feelings of which his characters are scarcely aware themselves†, and â€Å"clarity appeals to the intellect, but the emotions are often more deeply stirred by something less sharply comprehended†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Mincoff, Marco, â€Å"The Study of Style†, p.10, 13). Many distinguished authors, essayists, critics have written about Peter Pan and the â€Å"Neverland† beginning their works with the famous opening sentence â€Å"All children, except one, grow up†. Many of them use a scientific psychological approach and argue about the Freudian Oedipus complex in the main character, which actually falls into â€Å"the third common area of psychological criticism, that is, the analysis of fictional characters† (â€Å"Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama†, Kennedy, X.J. and Gioia, Dana, p.1398). Hereby, I would try to give my own understanding of the novel and leave scientific arguments to more adequate people for such a difficult task. Before I go into some deeper analysis of the novel itself, let me say that I agree with most of the opinions that we (the people) really wish at one time or another to remain children forever and never grow up, because everyone knows growing up brings too many problems along. A minor proof of this can be found in Goceva-Zdravkovska’s short poems about passage of time: It is obvious that in the three years period between these two short poems, the poet had grown up, and didn’t like it. Many people feel this way, and so did Peter Pan. However, his creator J. M Barrie knowing the boy wanted to remain a boy forever created the â€Å"Neverland† for him as well, and Peter never grew up. Speaking of Peter Pan’s creation and J. M. Barrie, it must be said that the author got the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Enhancing Motivation, Ethics and Values Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Enhancing Motivation, Ethics and Values - Essay Example The number and severity of business scandals have resulted in the need to enhance the ethics and values of today’s managers and leaders. The organization’s Code of Conduct, mission statement or values policy statements should reflect the expectations of ethical behavior from the company’s leaders. An ethical code serves not only the interests of the company, but has the broader purpose of fairness and justice towards all stakeholders associated with the company, state Kaptein & Schwartz (2007). It is important that business leaders need to follow the requirements of the stated ethical code, and accordingly manifest their professional behavior towards all stakeholders of the company. Federal regulations concerning the disclosure of written ethical codes of the corporation need to be complied with. Many large firms such as Enron, WorldCom, and HealthSouth have been found to have been unethically managed by their coporate executive officers, corporate finance officers and other top managers, which has been the main reason for regulators to investigate the root cause of ethical failures in companies. The lack of an ethical standard, benchmark or technique to measure the level of ethics in a company’s operations appear to have played a major role in these companies’ failures (McGraw et al, 2008). Integrity is an important element of leadership. The authors develop a theory-based model for judging a corporate leader’s integrity, by addressing questions based on what the criteria for judging are, when integrity judgments are particularly important, who the judges are. The relevant set of moral values and norms of stakeholders which affect such judgments are enabled by three components of integrity criteria: laws, codes of conduct, and informal moral values and norms. Relevant stakeholders expect a corporate leader to abide by these ethical norms. Such an integrity judgment

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Big business affects ethics in promotion Essay Example for Free

Big business affects ethics in promotion Essay Ethics in marketing and promotion activities has been disregarded in the business world today. The reason again is the big profit at stake. Because big business entails big amount of profit, promotional ethics has been undermined. This gives birth to the deterioration of promotional ethics. History has shown many promotional activities that have evolved in style as well as in form while safeguarding the basic interest of promotions which is to profit just like in the lottery form of promotions. â€Å"In the 1960s, lottery-like contests designed to publicize products through sweepstakes competitions spread rapidly. In the 19th century, every state banned lotteries—defined as competitions in which chances to win prizes were sold—to protect citizens. In 1868, Congress prohibited the distribution of lottery materials through the mail. The mid-20th century sweepstakes, however, did not require contestants to purchase tickets or products to win prizes and were thus considered legal. † (Congress, 1970) In promoting a product, it is of a general rule that one must be honest. But looking at the business world today, honesty has vanished. The promotions in the business world have been characterized by deception. Majority of the companies promoting their products are only deceiving clients for earning purposes. They want a fast disposal of their products so that their capital and profit will soon be seen. They don’t care if the product is falsely advertised, all they care about is the people buying it. This absence of honesty and truthfulness plagues the business world. A product of such untruthfulness most of the time are discussed in court where a lot of clients give their complaints. Dishonesty can also be seen in instances like a company is telling the public that the product weighs like and the product gives vitamins such as these. But in reality, all they are saying are false and untruthful. This reality is very prevalent that sometimes people see it as just normal in marketing. Being dishonest sometimes is already accepted as part of the business world. In promotions, companies never look at the quality of their products. They just focus on promoting it and deceiving the public just again for profit. Promotions then become just words of manipulating the people. They do away from the criteria that what is said regarding a product must coincide with the truth about it. But in reality, truth about the product and the quality of the product diverge in two different directions. In promotion ethics, welfare of the clients must be first and foremost bannered. The clients are the ones giving life to the business world and they are the ones using the products. Again, with the prevalence of deception, businesses view the people as only tools for a desired end. They forget that the reason they indulge in business is not only for profit but for the service to the people. The people must experience good quality service from the business world. People must be given an honest and sincere service by businesses. The glamour for money of the people makes the promotional ethics deteriorate. This is a sad reality that we face. Now, it is true that it is very hard to overcome this because most people are very much inclined with money and the power in it. The constant desire of people to gain and assimilate material things brings about all the disease in promotional ethics. These are diseases that eat every persons’ being and not only deteriorates the promotional world but also the dignity of people inside it. SUMMARY While big business becomes bigger, media will continually be challenged to hold on to their ethical standards while balancing itself on the persuasive power of business to control media decisions of what to communicate and what information to keep away from public scrutiny. As these two forces contend with each other, using each other as leverage to further one’s own interests, balancers are needed. Social responsibility and media ethics are needed to strike the balance between these two forces from using each other’s strengths in order for the other to become bigger monsters that they are. â€Å"Big business has changed the world. The global growth of corporate culture has brought with it the spread of democratic systems, increased wealth and education, and diversified local economies. But it has also created extreme degrees of exploitation, greed, and environmental destruction. † (Enlightennext, 2006) It is a matter of time when consumers finally realize that they have the power to tip the scales between big business and media and forge these two giants to adhere to their social responsibility, ethical standards in a global setting. REFERENCES: American Advertising Federation Board of Directors, March 2, 1984, San Antonio, Texas.Berlau, John. March 18, 2002. Is big business ethically bankrupt? Insight on the News Blohowiak, Donald W. 1987. No Comment! An Executives Essential Guide to the News Media. Praeger Publishers Bowers, Chris. 2004. Media Conglomerate Will Attempt to Swing Election For Bush http://www. mydd. com/story/2004/10/9/153537/663 Congress, House, Select Committee on Small Business, Investigation of iPreselected Winnersi Sweepstakes Promotions: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Activities of Regulatory Agencies Relating to Small Business of the Select Committee on Small Business , House of Representatives, 91st Cong., 1st sess. , Washington, D. C. , November 12, 13, and 14, 1969 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1970). DuBrin, J. , Andrew, (February 2004). Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior. South- Wester Publication, 2004 Donaldson, T (1988). Broadcasters Seek to Clean Up the Industry and Hope to Regulated Commercial Activities on the Air, â€Å"Ethical Dilemnas†. Chicago, 1988 Evans, Fred J. 1987. Managing the Media: Proactive Strategy for Better Business-Press Relations. Quorum Books. Ethics and Television. November 21, 2006 from http://www. museum. tv/archives/etv/E/htmlE/ethicsandte/ethicsandte. htm Enligthennext. 2006. Can Big Business Save the World? Retrieved November 21, 2006 from http://www. wie. org/business/ Gardner, Howard and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, William Damon 2001. Good Work: When Excellence and Ethics Meet. Basic Books Glover, JD. 1954. The Attack on Big Business. Harvard University Press How Much Do Television Ads Cost? November 21, 2006 From http://www. gaebler. com/Television-Advertising-Costs. htm Liebert, R. M., Sprafkin, J. (1988). The Early Window (3rd ed. )New York: Pergamon. McGuire, William J, 1986. The Myth of Massive Media Impact: Savaging and Salvaging. in C. Comstock (ed) Public Communication Campaigns. 2nd edition. Newbury Park CA: Sage. NBC. National Broadcasters Meet at Chicago and Adopt Code of Ethics New York Times (New York), March 26, 1929. Perse, Elizabeth M. 2001. Media Effects and Society. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Smith. J. W. 1994. The Worlds Wasted Wealth II, (Institute for Economic Democracy, 1994), p. 224.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Concentration of sulfuric acid

Concentration of sulfuric acid Abstract My research question, as the topic states, is How would the concentration of sulfuric acid affect the rate of hydrogen gas produced when it reacts with iron? The reason that I want to do this experiment is to prove whether the collision theory in Chapter6.2 of the Chemistry textbook1 is true about the concentration will affect the rate of a reaction. And I also did another extend experiment about whether the temperature will affect the rate of a reaction. After a lot of calculations, and analysis of the experiments data I got, my conclusion is the collision theory is not very suitable on this particular experiment. Introduction In Chapter 6 of IB chemistry textbook about Kinetics, the factors that will affect the rate of a reaction are Concentration, pressure, temperature, surface area and catalyst. I want to choose one of these factors and prove if it will actually affect the reaction rate and I choose the concentration. Then I started to think about the experiment that can show whether the concentration of the reactants will affect the reaction rate. Because my schools laboratory is very limited, so I can only do the experiments that are easy to operate and will not use very sophisticated apparatus. So, after serious consideration, I decided to use the iron react with sulfuric acid, the formula is elaborated below: Fe + H2SO4 > FeSO4 + H2 The reason that I choose to do this experiment is that this experiment can generate gas and the tools to do this experiment are easy to obtain. In Chapter 6 of the Chemistry textbook, one of the techniques for measuring rate is a collection of an evolved gas. Because the rate that the gas generated can represent the rate of the whole reaction, so I just need to measure how fast does the hydrogen gas evolve. Development of the Experiment This experiment is not as simple as it looks like. The first way I use is let iron react with different concentration sulfuric acid, and use a stopwatch to measure the time for each different reaction to finish. But after I give a try of this method, I found out that for a reaction to completely stop will take hours or more, which means this way wastes too much time, so this method is not very practical. The second way that came out of my mind is let the hydrogen gas been evolved to fill a balloon, and see how much time it will take to let the balloon to explode. But as everyone knows, Hydrogen gas can burn, so when the balloon explodes, it may also set off the hydrogen gas, so this method is way too dangerous to operate. The final method I developed is close to perfect (I think), and it is better to be shown by a photograph: In the left part of this photo, the iron and sulfuric acid will generate hydrogen gas; the hydrogen gas will go into the beaker in the middle of this photo through the rubber tube. Because the beaker in the middle has been filled with water, the hydrogen gas go into the beaker will begin to push the water out of the beaker. Because there is another glass tube in the beaker (you can see it in the photograph), water will be push into the graduated flask in the right part of the photo through the glass tube and the rubber tube. I just need to measure the time for a certain amount of water that has been push into the graduated flask, and compare the time taken of every different reaction, I will know whether the concentration will affect the rate of the reaction. Although this method is perfect for me, I still made a mistake when I was assembling the apparatus together: As the photograph above shows, this is the beaker used to let the reaction took place. The mistake I made is: The glass tube is too deep. Because the glass tube is so deep that the mouth of the glass tube is totally immersed by the sulfuric acid, thus the hydrogen gas evolved cannot go through the glass tube, as a result, the hydrogen gas push the sulfuric acid into the glass tube! Luckily, this mistake is not very hard to correct, I just need to pull the glass tube out a little bit, as the photograph shows below: Experimental Procedure Material and instruments: pure iron powder, very concentrated sulfuric acid, gas collecting bottle, conical flask, balance, stop watch, grad cylinder, glass tubes and soft rubber tubes. Because the sulfuric acid I got is very concentrated (98%), so the first thing I need to do is preparing sulfuric acid which has different concentration. Use the grad cylinder to measure certain amount of 98% sulfuric acid. Use the grad cylinder to measure certain amount of water. Add the sulfuric acid very slowly into the water and use a glass stirs keep whisking the mixture. I have repeated these procedures for nine times because I raised the concentration of sulfuric acid by 10% each time, finally I got 9 solutions have different concentration: 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%,70%, 80% and 90%. Use the balance to measure exactly 5g of iron powder. Add the iron powder into the beaker on the left of the photograph. Add the 10% sulfuric acid into the beaker on the left of the photograph. The hydrogen gas will press the water in the bottle into the grad cylinder and use the stop watch to measure the time taken for the hydrogen gas to press out certain volume of water. Add the 5g of iron powder and 20% sulfuric acid into the left beaker then repeat step 6 and 7. Add the 5g of iron powder and 30% sulfuric acid into the left beaker then repeat step 6 and 7. Add the 5g of iron powder and 40% sulfuric acid into the left beaker, then repeat step 6 and 7. Add the 5g of iron powder and 50% sulfuric acid into the left beaker then repeat step 6 and 7. Add the 5g of iron powder and 60% sulfuric acid into the left beaker then repeat step 6 and 7. Add the 5g of iron powder and 70% sulfuric acid into the left beaker then repeat step 6 and 7. Add the 5g of iron powder and 80% sulfuric acid into the left beaker then repeat step 6 and 7. Add the 5g of iron powder and 90% sulfuric acid into the left beaker then repeat step 6 and 7. Add the 5g of iron powder and 98% sulfuric acid into the left beaker then repeat step 6 and 7. Data and Analysis From the table above, we can see a very strange trend: When the concentration of sulfuric acid increase from 10% to 60%, the time is decreasing, in other words, the rate of the reaction keeps speeding up; but when the concentration of sulfuric acid reaches 70%, theres no reaction between iron and sulfuric acid at all! At first, I cannot even believe what I saw, so I repeat the reaction between iron and 70% sulfuric acid for several times but eventually lead to the same result: Nothing happened. Then I search this strange thing among a lot of books and websites, and this is called passivation2. Definition of passivation: Passivation is the process of making a material passive in relation to another material prior to using the materials together. For example, prior to storing hydrogen peroxide in an aluminium container, the container can be passivated by rinsing it with a dilute solution of nitric acid and peroxide alternating with deionized water. The nitric acid and peroxide oxidizes and dissolves any impurities on the inner surface of the container, and the deionized water rinses away the acid and oxidized impurities. Another typical passivation process of cleaning stainless steel tanks involves cleaning with sodium hydroxide and citric acid followed by nitric acid (up to 20% at 120 Â °F) and a complete water rinse. This process will restore the film; remove metal particles, dirt, and welding-generated compounds (e.g. oxides). In the context of corrosion, passivation is the spontaneous formation of a hard non-reactive surface film that inhibits further corrosion. This layer is usually an oxide or nitride that is a few atoms thick. Mechanisms of passivation: Under normal conditions of pH and oxygen concentration, passivation is seen in such materials as aluminum, iron, zinc, magnesium, copper, stainless steel, titanium, and silicon. Ordinary steel can form a passivating layer in alkali environments, as rebar does in concrete. The conditions necessary for passivation are recorded in Roubaix diagrams. Some corrosion inhibitors help the formation of a passivation layer on the surface of the metals to which they are applied. Passivation of specific materials: Aluminum may be protected from oxidation by anodizing and/or valorizing (sometimes called Anodizing), or any of an assortment of similar processes. In addition, stacked passivation techniques are often used for protecting aluminum. For example, chromating is often used as a sealant to a previously-anodized surface, to increase resistance to salt-water exposure of aluminum parts by nearly a factor of 2 versus simply relying on anodizing. Ferrous materials, including steel, may be somewhat protected by promoting oxidation (rust) and then converting the oxidation to a metalophosphate by using phosphoric acid and further protected by surface coating. As the uncoated surface is water-soluble a preferred method is to form manganese or zinc compounds by a process commonly known as Parkerizing or phosphate conversion. Older, less-effective but chemically-similar electrochemical conversion coatings included bluing, also known as black oxide. Nickel can be used for handling elemental fluorine, thanks to a passivation layer of nickel fluoride. After we read the above explanation of passivation, the reason why iron does not react with concentrated sulfuric acid is pretty clear: Because concentrated sulfuric acid is extremely oxidizing, so as long the sulfuric touches the surface of iron, it will form an oxidized layer on the iron and this layer will stop iron and sulfuric acid being touch, thus there is no reaction would occur. An Extend of the Topic It seems that this experiment could be end here, but theres another idea came out of my mind: Since concentration cannot always affect the rate of the reaction, what about the other factors? Will other factors be suitable on this very particular case? Then I decided to do another experiment to see whether the temperature will affect the rate of this reaction. Procedure: Use the balance to measure 5 gram iron powder. Add the iron powder into a clean test tube. Add some 98% sulfuric acid into the same test tube. Use an alcohol burner to heat the test tube and observe what will happen. Not everything goes like we expected, and this experiment is not an exception. As you can see, in the photograph on page 15, theres a lot of gas evolved from the test tube, but I can definitely tell you that this gas is not hydrogen gas, there are two evidence I can found to prove that this is not hydrogen gas: We all know that hydrogen gas can burn, right? But when I put the mouth of the test tube very closely to the fire, I cant see any combustion. We all know that hydrogen gas doesnt have any odor, but when this gas evolved, I can smell a very strong pungent and smelly odor. This evidence can prove this gas is not hydrogen gas, but this evidence also leads to another question: What gas is it? I search on the internet and I found an equation that may be relevant to this experiment: 2Fe+6H2SO4(Hot, concentrated)=Fe2(SO4)3+3SO2+6H2O I also found out the reason for why would the experiment react like the equation above in a Chinese website, here is the translation: When the temperature is rising, the oxidized layer on the iron will be destroyed and prevent this layer regenerate. Thus, the concentrated sulfuric acid can react with the iron. Also, the rising temperature cause the sulfuric acid be more oxidizing than when its cold, so this directly cause the oxidation number of iron to increase, and this is the reason that when iron react with hot, concentrated sulfuric acid will generate sulfur dioxide(Which is the pungent and smelly odor I mentioned in the second evidence on page 16). Conclusion The Collision Theory in Chapter 6.2 of the Chemistry textbook, which states The rate at which particles collide is increased by increasing the concentration of the reactants, is not suitable on every reaction. In this case, increase the concentration of sulfuric acid can only increase the reaction rate in a certain range. Increase the temperature of the reactants will not always leads to the increase of reaction rate; instead, increase the temperature may leads to a totally different reaction. In this case, raise the temperature will cause the iron and sulfuric acid to react and generate sulfur dioxide, rather than hydrogen gas. Some limitation of the experiment: After I know iron will not react with 70% sulfuric acid, I decided to do more experiments to obtain the accurate Reaction-Stop Concentration, which must be in the range of 60%-70%, but because the experiments tools I have are very limited, so I cannot raise the concentration by1% at a time as I wanted, which leaves a little bit flaw to this experiment. Normally students should do experiments in the schools laboratory, but because of some reason, the lab cant give us the opportunity to do the experiment, so I have to buy the tools and materials and do the experiments at home, so this cause a lot of inconveniences to my experiments. Bibliography and References Damji, Sadru and Green, John, written place unknown, IBID Chemistry Book 2nd edition. Budinski, Kenneth G. (1988), written at Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Surface Engineering for Wear Resistance, Prentice Hall. Brimi, Marjorie A. (1965), written at New York, New York, Electrofinishing, American Elsevier Publishing Company, Inc.