Monday, September 30, 2019

Auditory and Visual Essay

If a variety of people are put through numerous trials of visual memory tests and auditory tests, then the people with better auditory memory will outnumber the people with better visual memory. Introduction Visual and auditory memory play vital roles in learning and development. They are both skills required to have throughout life. By definition, auditory memory is the ability to process information presented orally, analyze it, and store it to be recalled later. Visual memory by definition is the ability to process information presented visually, analyze it mentally, and remember it for a later time. Both of these skills are step-by-step developmental processes. They continue to grow when a person is growing themselves. Auditory memory is the ability to process information that is presented orally, analyze it mentally and store it to be remembered later. To be an auditory learner is to have a strong capacity for auditory memory. Auditory memory is also the ability to learn from instructions that were presented orally; it is an important skill that will help in life. Auditory memory has to be one of the most important skills in learning. Some children who show a delayed grasp of language have weak auditory learning skills, they also have difficulty understanding words. Parents can test their child’s auditory memory by saying a sequence of numbers and asking the child to repeat the numbers back to them. Through exercises auditory memory skills can be developed. Children as well as adults can sharpen their auditory memory skills. Visual memory is the ability to psychologically recall visual images in the form of objects, events, or words. Students with disabilities have a serious deficiency with visual memory. Storing and retrieving previously experienced visual sensations and perceptions when stimuli that were evoked originally are no longer present are involved in visual memory. Many researchers have stated that 80% of learning takes place through the eye with visual memory. Visual memory is crucial in the aspect of learning. If a person cannot adequately reproduce a sequence of stimuli, then they may not have developed their visual memory skills. People who have difficulty with visual memory have trouble overall remembering the visual appearance of words, a letter sequence of words, and spelling. When people have trouble with visual memory can often remember the letters in a word but not the sequence. Some people with serious writing and spelling difficulties have trouble with their visual memory skills. The differences are that auditory memory works with the ears auditorally and visual memory works with the eyes visually. To be an auditory learner is to have a strong capacity for auditory memory. Visual memory is the ability to psychologically recall visual images in the form of objects, events, or words. Auditory memory has to be one of the most important skills in learning. Visual memory is crucial in the aspect of learning. When people have trouble with visual memory can often remember the letters in a word but not the sequence. Auditory memory is also the ability to learn from instructions that were presented orally. Parents can test their child’s auditory memory. Caffeine can affect memorization by increasing it. The ability to remember is a basic but important function that is critical to survival today. Memory is especially important for students who live their lives learning. Age can also affect memorization ability. Studies have shown that staying active can help stabilize memory change when it comes to aging. There are a few ways to positively affect memory change; they include physical activity, mental activity and a healthy diet. The primary factor affecting a person’s memorization change is a medical condition. There are a few medical factors that can negatively affect memory change; medical disorders, diseases, emotional problems, medication, medical changes, and a poor diet. Crossword puzzles can help positively affect memorization. Hormonal changes can affect memorization. Adults are twice as likely to lose mental capacity. Many body parts are involved in auditory and visual memory. The posterior parietal cortex is a portion of the parietal lobe in the brain. Activity in the posterior parietal cortex is extremely correlated with the information that can be stored in visual memory. This suggests that the posterior parietal cortex is vital in our visual representation of the world. It acts as a limited storage area for everything we see. Another important body part involved in visual memory are the occipital lobes. They are located at the back of the brain. They receive and process information. The lobes tend to process colors and shapes. They are responsible for identifying colors while visually memorizing objects. Body parts involved in auditory memory are slightly different. Auditory sensory memory tends to be stored in the primary auditory cortex closer to the ear of presentation. However, auditory memory involves many different brain parts. The majority of brain regions involved in auditory memory are located in the prefrontal cortex. This is where the executive control is located, and is responsible for attention control. Brain areas are actually a major factor in understanding why some ways of memorizing things work better than other ways. Visual memory tends to be the most readily available to us. When your brain receives information, it begins to decide what it and isn’t important. It also begins to store it as long-term. Neural connections become more powerful as the information is received and is connected to emotions. Neurons are nerve cells, and a pattern of connections between them forms a memory. Seeing something familiar tends to have a greater impact on the mind than hearing something familiar. The brain can form new neural pathways and alter existing connections. It is very easy to improve visual and auditory memory. If one organizes and structures the information they are trying to memorize, it will help immensely. It is important to visualize concepts to improve memory. Charts, graphs, and photos are all great things to look upon when memorizing. Numerous research studies have been done on visual and auditory memory. Much effort has been dedicated to investigating the capacity limits of memory in the brain. Steven J. Luck and Edward K. Vogel are two men from the University of Iowa who are known for their research on this topic. They sorted memory into two categories- long term and short term. These findings are foundation for all different types of memory. Experimental Procedure 1. In this experiment, number sequences will be needed for the test subjects to remember. Each number sequence should be composed of the numbers 0–9 and be seven digits long. This random number generator can be used to figure out the number sequences. http://www. random. org/nform. html 2. The experimenter should fill out the form on the generator so it has 7 integers, 1 as the smallest value, 9 as the largest value, and a format in 7 columns. Then the experimenter should hit â€Å"Get Numbers† and a new page will appear with 7 listed numbers at the top. To get new numbers, it is not necessary to fill out the form again, so simply click the refresh button on the browser window and a new set of random numbers appears: 3. The experimenter should write one number sequence on each index card, until the deck of cards consists of about 50 different random sequences. This deck will be used for the experiment. 4. The experimenter should find 25 random research participants, and ask each test subject to take two memory tests. Then give them the two following tests: A: To test one’s visual memory, show the subject a card for 30 seconds and time with a timer. Take back the card and have the subject recite the alphabet. Then ask the subject to say what the numbers were. Write down how many numbers the subject got right. This will be the subject’s score. Record the score. B: To test one’s auditory memory, read the sequence of numbers on a different card three times slowly. After the numbers have been read, have the test subject recite the alphabet. Then ask the subject to say what the numbers were. Write down how many numbers the subject got right. This will be the subject’s score. Record the score. 5. Calculate the percentage of people who received each score. Do this by first adding the total number of participants for each test, then divide the number of people receiving the score by the total number of participants in the study. Multiply the answer by 100 to get the percentage. 6. Analyze the data by making a histogram. On the left side of the graph (Y-axis), write a scale for the percentage of people from 0 to 100%. On the bottom of the graph, write a scale for the number of correct responses from 0 to 7.

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